Issue transforming string to integer

Hello! This is simple, so I’ll get straight to the point.
I wanted to create 3 textboxes, which allow players to input an RGB value to change the colour of some items. This is my current script.

	local Red = script.Parent.Parent.Red.ValueTaker.Text
	local Green = script.Parent.Parent.Green.ValueTaker.Text
	local Blue = script.Parent.Parent.Blue.ValueTaker.Text
	if tonumber(Red) and tonumber(Green) and tonumber(Blue) then
		local R = tonumber(Red)
		local G = tonumber(Green)
		local B = tonumber(Blue)
		if 0 >= R <= 255 and 0 >= G <= 255 and 0 >= B <= 255 then

Upon running, this error persists.
10:19:11.810 - Players.Loggkat.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.TextButton.LocalScript:9: attempt to compare boolean and number

Not sure if it would help, but here is the hierarchy of the GUI, as the problem seems to be based on the logic of transforming the string to a number.


Probably some small stupid mistake I’m doing, but I just can’t see what I’m doing wrong.
Thanks in advance!

This should fix it:

if 0 >= R and R <= 255 and 0 >= G and G <= 255 and 0 >= B and B <= 255 then

If statements in Lua don’t work with compound inequalities. What it does in your code is get a bool from one part of the comparison and it’s comparing a bool (if the comparison is true or false) to a number, which errors.


Can I recommend that you just clamp the values instead?

local Red, Green, Blue = -50, 50, 285

R, G, B = tonumber(Red) or 0, tonumber(Green) or 0, tonumber(Blue) or 0
for i, v in next, {R = R, G = G, B = B} do
	getfenv(0)[i] = math.clamp(v, 0, 255)

table.foreach({R, G, B}, print) --> Prints 0, 50, 255

In your case:

	local Red = script.Parent.Parent.Red.ValueTaker.Text
	local Green = script.Parent.Parent.Green.ValueTaker.Text
	local Blue = script.Parent.Parent.Blue.ValueTaker.Text
	if tonumber(Red) and tonumber(Green) and tonumber(Blue) then
		local R = math.clamp(tonumber(Red), 0, 255)
		local G = math.clamp(tonumber(Green), 0, 255)
		local B = math.clamp(tonumber(Blue), 0, 255)
		print(R, G, B)