Issue with welding items to hand in Blender

Hello. I have recently been wanting to do some gun firing animations for roblox animations in the software Blender. Although, I have no clue how to properly weld an item to the roblox character’s hand in Blender and make it animatable.
(Example of what I mean)

I have no idea on how to succeed with welding an item to the characters hand, and animate the rig in Blender. If anybody knows how to successfully do this, please tell me!

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Art Design Support actually, since it pertains to animations and rigging. I’ve recategorised the post accordingly.


Are your guns going to be in first or third person?

If they’re going to be in first person, you’ll need a viewmodel so that you can animate better. This thread does a great job of detailing it.

If they’re going to be in third person, I suggest finding a Roblox tool animation tutorial for Blender (I don’t know of any off the top of my head), but here’s one entirely in Roblox Studio!