Items moving when equipped

So I want to make a Horror game with a Flashlight but when you equip it the item will move very hard when you walk and I dont want that. Is there anyway to remove that?

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Remove the walking and running animations

Edit: Start the game and go into StarterCharachterScripts copy Animate stop the game and paste this script in the same place, now comment all the animations in the script.

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but then it looks stupid to other players? And I dont want that

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Oh, you plan to make it mp, maybe try hiding the flaslight for the client?

Or overwrite the animation on the client

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I want the game to be kinda realistic and when theres just a light coming from you its not that realistic

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but the animation would have the right arm just not moving or how would I do that

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Ok here are my ideas:

Hide the flashlight for the client.
Make a new copy of the flashlight on the client and make it so it is a viewmodel (aka move the clone along with the camera)

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Ok Iā€™m gonna look it up (the second one)

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thank you so much I found one thank you very very much

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