Just a block off from making GFX

Hey, first I might have put this in the wrong topic but I am not sure if this is the right topic. Here goes, I was pumping GFX’s left and right, and I just really liked it. For some reason, I just quit a couple months prior, and now when I try to do GFX’s, I know I can do things better, but everytime I come determined to make a GFX, I loose all motivation and some small accidencents(my computer shutting down, my C4D or Blender instance crashing) thing just makes me quit halfway. Am I alone on feeling this? I would like some advice if any of you have any similiar experience or just plain advice for me. Thanks.


To gain back your motivation, Maybe try to think of profit $$ from it.
Or think again about what inspired you to do this

Sorry if it’s not that much helpful but that’s how I gained back my motivation


Alright, I’ll do so. I came to GFX because I liked how ‘cool’ things looked. When I look at things now, I just feel they’re normal and not neccesarily hard, just time consuming. Thanks for your adbice.

Any thing which inspires you to work harder? I used to think I am poor, but then I realize, what the point of showing off Robux. I used to donate my robux to others so I don’t really have motivation either. I did free Gfx’s but all I got were some half-hearted thank you’s and probably alot of ‘superior’ attitude from people.

If you lose motivation to do a previously enjoyed hobby, why force it? It’ll just turn your work stale, and frustrate you in the process. Find a new hobby that you can expand in.

If you made a significant sum from selling your work, money is often all it takes to motivate someone. (Works for me) but if it’s just a hobby there is absolutely no reason to pursue something you now find dull or no longer promising. There is no magic fix, find a reason to actually continue.

I just do it for a hobby lol, I really love finding how to program new things and make things for myself.
I would sometimes rarely use this knowledge to make something really bad and stupid, and that can sometimes make exercising your knowledge fun in some way.