Just made an animation with moonlite, how do i "load" it into the game

I’ve made a 57 second animation with moonlite studio, it has a humanoid rig, and two non-humanoid rigs (board and a door)

my question is, how do i load this in-game?

do note that the animation also contains camera frames too.

do i load the animation on the character? (since the game is 1 player) or do i have to load it onto something else to get the cameras to work?

another question (the one that may require more scripting)
so i did mention a humanoid rig, but i added that rig for the intention of loading the character onto it. how would i go about doing this?

a method i already know is just grabbing the player’s accessories and applying them to the dummy but is there an easier way of doing this?

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Is Moonlite Studio a plugin? or a program

moonlite is a studio plugin i got


Can you link it?
I want to try it

i think roblox is down right now though, i can’t access studio or the site itself, so i can’t find it


Yep, i forgot that the site is down

Whenever ROBLOX’s website comes back up, link it for me too. Thanks :^)

does anyone actually know the solution to my issue though.

Oh it’s just moon animator…
I thought that it was a different plugin :sweat_smile:

solved this myself.

moonlite does not export the cameras in a way that i expected it to. i’m going to have to take a different approach.