Keep Yourself Safe - 7 Tips For Toolbox Use

Hello, Roblox Community

If you are new to using the application provided by Roblox named “Roblox Studio”, you might know a resource named “Toolbox”. The toolbox is a large collection of assets uploaded by other Roblox developers from the Marketplace. Assets contain models, meshes, decals, audio and plugins. Some assets are safe and were created to help people. Some assets were created to harm other players and ruin their development projects! This is why I am creating this post to help new developers stay safe in Roblox Studio. Here are 7 Tips which will keep you safe while using the Toolbox!

1. Review All Attached Scripts
When you insert or download a asset into Roblox Studio, that asset might contain a script. A script is a formula which functions to complete a task. Sometimes scripts are created to insert viruses into your game and ruin it. To avoid downloading dangerous scripts, you must review them. After downloading a script, open it by double clicking it. Look through the whole thing to find any unnecessary or possibly harmful text/ code which is meant to harm your game. If you find anything dangerous scripts, delete it right away. Check all scripts embedded for harmful code!

2. Download Assets From Verified Creators
If a Roblox user is verified, it means that they have confirmed with Roblox that they are over the age of 13 and have a legal identity in their possession. These users can be trusted a bit easier. This doesn’t mean to only download assets from verified creators, this means to simply download some of your assets from verified creators. It is 30% more likely that a asset uploaded from verified creators are safe to use!

3. View Asset Rating
In Roblox you can like or dislike assets depending on their quality. If you see a asset with a 20% rating (1 like, 4 dislikes), you shouldn’t download it… as it might contain dangerous scripts. If you see a asset with a 90% rating (9 likes, 1 dislike), you might consider downloading it since it seems more safe or legit than the asset with the 20% rating (1 like, 4 dislikes). To add-on, if you find a dangerous asset, you should dislike it and report it without hesitation!

4. Do Not Download Recent Assets
Do not download assets which have been uploaded within the last 48 hours. Make sure that the asset you are downloading is fairly old (older than 48 hours). More recent assets are, the more likely the chance of them being dangerous is. If they are old, it means they have not been moderated (most likely cause they are safe). If it is new, it may be dangerous and has not been moderated yet since Roblox has not noticed possible reports yet.

5. Look At The Name Of Asset
Sometimes dangerous assets may have a name which reminds you that the asset is safe or works. If you see asset with any context like that, you might want to consider not downloading it. Dangerous assets want you to believe that the asset does what it says it does. Dangerous assets want you to think they are safe. To do this, they may insert a safe looking asset name.

6. Download Dangerous Script Detector
In the Roblox Marketplace, you can download many plugins. A plugin works to make your Studio experience better by helping you with certain tasks. Within the marketplace, there are some plugins which have the purpose to delete or detect potentially dangerous scripts. These plugins may alert you if you download a dangerous script, some might even delete or remove the script totally. Make sure you download a safe plugin by checking the ratings (likes to dislikes ratio).

7. Look At Asset Comments
Roblox users have the option to leave a comment on a asset. If a user finds a dangerous asset in the marketplace, they might leave a comment warning others about it. If you want to stay extra safe, you can always check the comments to make sure that they are positive. If a asset has no comments, you should view the other tips listed in this post.

Thankyou so much for reading these tips. I hope that you find some of them helpful! Please complete the following polls to let me know how helpful each tip was.

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