Keycard Door not Working?

Hello! This is a relatively simple topic but I seem to have an error within my keycard script where it should simply detect if the object hitting the door is the “Visa” which I have made and will set the door’s CanCollide to false.

The Code:

local function onTouch(hit)
	if hit.Parent.Name == "Visa" then
		script.Parent.CanCollide = false

It is a local function as I only want the door to open for one player.

The keycard is just simply this:

Thank you for reading!


Try printing out the hit and hit.Parent variables :thinking: That will give you a headstart on what the issue could be

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I believe the door would detect the handle

hit prints out as the handle, and hit.parent just simply doesn’t print at all, strange.

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Wait If It’s local script It won’t run in workspace.

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It is a server script, just a local function.

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Wait, couldn’t you just make the Handle’s name to the Visa instead? Or do you want the Tool’s actual name?

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If I change the Handle’s name it wouldn’t be able to be held, I am going to make an invisible part inside of the tool that will be checked.

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Hm, and hit.Parent prints nothing which is odd (Are you sure it doesn’t print out as nil?)

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If your method doesn’t work, then try to find the tool in the players model

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No, it prints nothing at all. (Filler text)

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Where is the script / inside of what ? And btw “local function” doesn’t mean that It works for one player.

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It works now, it was my fault. In order to obtain the card you it was cloned from replicated storage from a local script, so the server script couldn’t detect it. I am sorry for wasting everyone’s time.


How would I make the door only open for one player then? Thank you for helping.

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I think you could actually do it from a local standpoint if that’s what you’re getting at?

--LocalScript inside StarterPack
local Door = game.ReplicatedStorage.Door:Clone()

I could be wrong though if Touched Events don’t exactly work locally-wise
(I have done a diddily dumb mistake oops)

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It should work…

    if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then -- verifys if its a player Note only players has humanoids
	if hit.Parent.Name == "Visa" then
		script.Parent.CanCollide = false

Using Local Script to do something with server side is not possible. Local Script can’t clone something what’s inside ServerStorage. I suggest moving Doors to ReplicatedStorage and cloning it from there

--LocalScript inside StarterPack/StarterGui/StarterPlayer
local Door = game.ReplicatedStorage.Door:Clone()

local function onTouch(hit)
	if hit.Parent.Name == "Visa" then
		Door.CanCollide = false

I’m confused, why is the script in starter pack? Isn’t that for tools? And am I detecting if the real door is getting touched or the cloned one?

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Just gonna reference this here:


If you use only one doors do this inside local script:

local function onTouch(hit)
	if hit.Parent.Name == "Visa" then
		game.Workspace.Door.CanCollide = false

The replicated storage option is if you want to use many doors.

The script is in StarterPack because It’s client part of Services It could have been in StarterGui or any other client part of Services.

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