KheyyFX's Feedback

Hi I’m Kheyy. A builder and a modeler here in ROBLOX. I’d like to ask a few feedbacks on my first commission.

If you like to order from me I’ll be providing a price list down below.

Price List

Please take note that you’ll be paying for the tax as well if you will pay through gamepasses or t-shirts.

Icesy’s Group Link

i think it’s too expensive, my friend’s friend even sold his showcase for 1.5k robux.

I usually sell by packs, that’s the reason why it is 2000. Most of these cost more than 2000 if I’m right.

Since they’re commissioned you should probably watermark (well you should always do it) the gfx.

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I think it would look better with more saturation. The lighting looks very professional, so do the effects, however I think it would look better with a bit more saturation.