New update for King’s Rush has been dropped!. King’s Rush is my 6th Roblox game that I’ve been having alot of fun to work on. It’s a competitive game with lots of maps, your objective is to be the first to reach the end.
This will be the last update before the game goes out of Pre-Alpha, so join the game while the Pre-Alpha Tester badge is still avaliable. The next update will be a big one with alot of contents and new maps and few remakes, as well as adding what is left to do. The next update will make the game go out of Pre-Alpha.
Check out what is new in this update
New Badges
- Partygoer.jpeg
- Maxwell the Tux (Replaced “Beautiful, Just Beautiful”)
Other stuff added
- Fixed Generic Maze not showing on the chat after choosing it from Choose Next Tower gui
- Fixed Space map not changing the Gravity and being unbeateable
- Fixed Generic Maze map having the ending closed
- New Fantasy Chances panel close to the Map Voting
- The “Next Map” text now shows in pink color if next map is a Fantasy variant
- Changed the Gravity from 215 to 200 and the Jump Power from 95 to 110
Play now here: King's Rush [PRE-ALPHA] - Roblox