Krispies' Developer recruitment

About Us

Hi there! We are Krispies’, a small upcoming cafe group. We’re looking for modelers, SFX designers, scripters, and artists who are willing to join our team and work with us to create our cafe, Krispies’.

The Team
@BSimpIy - Owner
@rxsebvndit - Manager

About The Job

We are looking for experienced Modelers, SFX designers, scripters, and artists to join our team. The building style is low poly. More will be discussed in dms.


We are paying whatever feels comfortable to you. We are paying robux only.

Application Instructions

Please message me on developer forum saying
I am interested in the _______ position. I will look at your portfolio. If it is good, I will give you an interview and we can take the conversation to discord. If you are not any of the developers we are looking for, you can still message like I am interested in doing music for you and what not.
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


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