Lacuna | Staff Rules


Staff Rules

These following rules must be followed, otherwise it will result in a demotion / verbal warning. These rules only apply for STAFF members and NOT dancers.

  • Don’t spam.

  • If there is drama, take it to a private message system.

  • You must consult a Board of Directors member, Vice President or President if you have to cancel a class.

  • You are required to host at least 3 times a week.

  • Using vulgar language is not tolerated. This also goes for disrespecting others, groups or items alike.

  • Topics that are considered against Roblox Terms of Service, Discord Terms of use or United States Californian Law is not tolerated.

Breaking any of these rules will result in a removal from your staff position at Lacuna.

As a staff member, you will receive moderator / administrator permissions. Using fun commands will result in an instant banishment from Lacuna, without warning nor investigation, unless the case is either suspicions or extreme. You may ONLY use the following commands:


This brings up a small box on the screen with the message you type.

Syntax: :n [MESSAGE]


This brings up a small box on the top of the screen with the message you type.

Syntax: :h [MESSAGE]


Use this command if you need to specific users, it is recommended that you do it separately to save lag.

**Syntax: :bring [USER(S)]


Only use this command if you need to name someone for a team or something like that. Do not use this for nickname usage.

Syntax: :name [USER] [NEW NAME]


The max speed you may use for this command is 45. Anything above will be considered as Admin Abuse.

Syntax: :speed [USER] [SPEED]


Using bypassed audios (audios that contain vulgar language) is not tolerated. Using audios that have a very high volume are also not tolerated.

Syntax: :music [MUSICID]


This is only tolerated at minigames, game nights, elimination wars. Using it to randomly kill people, during classes or subjects alike will result in a warning / demotion.

Syntax: :sword [USER]


At Lacuna, it would be common to use a boombox to help with audio for separate classes, instead of broadcasting it globally with “:music.” Spawning in gears that are considered as “troll devices” or gears that can cause annoynce will result in immediate action against the user. To use :gear, you must get an HRs consent.

Using any other commands without consent will result in a suspension or possible demotion.


ATCDan, Board of Directors


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