Layered Clothing not included for reading in HumanoidDescription?

Hi, currently I have a script that saves a player’s humanoid description to a datastore. This works for all accessories, classic clothing, etc…, but does not seem to layered clothing? How would I go about getting and saving layered clothing? They aren’t included anywhere in HumanoidDescription.

I know that applying layered clothing with HumanoidDescription works fine, however trying to “get” pants, skirts, shirts, shoes, etc… using it seems to not work. Very confusing… Am I doing this right? If so, is there an alternative?

On the roblox documentation, layered clothing is also not included in HumanoidDescription

Other info: I have a table of strings which includes the properties of HumanoidDescription that I save, I am not saving every property of HumanoidDescription indiscriminately.

Here is a portion of my script that might help

local descToSaveR15 = {
	'Jacket', --or any other layered clothing AccessoryType
--I save humanoid description to dictionary variable called statueData
	if humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6 then 
		descToSave = descToSaveR6
		statueData.rigType = 'R6'
		descToSave = descToSaveR15
		statueData.rigType = 'R15'
	for _,v in pairs(descToSave) do
		local thing = desc[v]
		if typeof(thing) ~= 'Color3' then
			statueData.humanoidDesc[v] = thing --if "Jacket" or any other layered clothing, errors.
			local init = tostring(thing)
			init = csvToTable(init)
			for i,v in pairs(init) do
				init[i] = truncateTo(v)
			statueData.humanoidDesc[v] = tableToCsv(init)


Layered clothing are stored as a JSON string in one property: HumanoidDescription.AccessoryBlob.

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