Let objects in Camera not be affected by StreamingEnabled or Graphics setting (for low-poly versions of models far away)

I built very simple models (less than 6 bricks per island) to replace streamed-out detailed islands.
It was working great in studio server tests…

(Both on graphics 1)

(Had to fly around the island and loop back to take the picture of it fully loaded)

…but online gave me this unexpected behavior - streaming/graphics settings was affecting camera objects D:

Graphics 1: (streamed out the far away blocks… huh?)

Graphics 10: (now I can see some low res islands but I’d like the same behavior as in the studio pictures)

Any thoughts?

I think the real solution here is to give us at least some semblance of control over Streaming. Putting things in the camera is already a really hacky maneuver and I think we can all agree Streaming needs to see more options/versatility in general.

I’d like a quick fix (within 18 days due to time constraints) and this already works in start server + start player so that’s what I"m focusing on

Streaming options & auto-streaming low-quality far away stuff is a bigger endeavor for people like zeuxcg and already has its own threads and responses

Any responses from peeps like zeuxcg or maxvee?

This is seriously a great example of roblox starting on a project and just leaving it around for years till they fix it up… They made like 2 updates for Streaming and then never updated it, despite all the hype over it…

Back on topic… I’d honestly rather have some sort of API for a region and managing streamed objects… or some sort of container for the forced streaming objects (other than camera obviously)