Lift HTTP Request Limit in Studio

As a developer, it’s difficult to workaround the HTTP request limit imposed in studio.

I can understand why you’d want a limit – especially for online servers hosted by roblox – but issuing HTTP requests in studio does little harm to anyone except the person running the script/plugin.

Also, you can imagine that this would get worse if you have multiple plugins by multiple people which all make HTTP requests.

Narrative with my specific problem

So I created a plugin which pushes and pulls script sources to a file system (I run an HTTP server on localhost). This issues one request per script (quite possibly multiple requests per script, but the point is that it scales), and the library I carry from game to game has many, many scripts. My plugin fails when I try to push the scripts to my filesystem, as I run into the HTTP limit.

My first attempt at fixing this was to do an MD5 hash in studio and on the filesystem so that I only have to push/pull files whose sources differ, but MD5 is very specific to bit operations and int operations, so it performs terribly in Lua. The more performant (and simpler) solution is to just blindly push all scripts.

There is a potential solution in batching together HTTP requests, but this is a wonky solution. It adds lots of complexity for very little gain (well, little gain beyond working around this unnecessary limit).



We have a couple apps that use HttpService and some have to work around these request limits. It feels a bit silly having request limits imposed when we’re trying to communicate with a locally hosted webserver :frowning:



No reason not to, I guess.
