Lighting brightness/Shadows

Hello developers, I was wondering if anybody knew how to fix this, I have a room underground but it’s pretty much the same without lights. Therefore, there is no valid reason for the player to look for a light source due to the room not being dark at all. Any solutions?

I have tried to lower the brightness in Lighting, removed atmosphere effect, lowered ColorCorrection’s brightness, and lowered the brightness in Lighting in general.

Thank you!


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did you enable castshadow on the ceiling?? it isn’t checked as massless in properties or anything is it?? try changing the tint in your colorcorrection to a dark gray and increase the contrast.

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Yes, tried all those before I put it on the developer forum, but thank you for trying.

How many studs tall is the ceiling? I’ve noticed that thin parts have less of a shadow.

In Lighting | Roblox Creator Documentation you probably need to fiddle with Lighting | Roblox Creator Documentation for indoor areas.
You may want to try changing the Lighting | Roblox Creator Documentation values as well.

How thick is the ceiling (I’m not sure if this is what @Otterification meant) since most Lighting Technologies don’t seem to shadow areas behind walls (or roofs) that are at least 4 studs thick.


Thank you! It was the ambient being a different colour rather than black, lol.