
As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to create good-looking circular fog. At the moment, fog is just a flat plane which can look weird.

Instead, it would be much better if it was like this:

If Roblox is able to address your issue, how would it improve your game and/or your development experience? Please be as specific as possible.

If there was an option to make fog circular, it would be much more realistic. The flat fog makes parts around the side of the screen visible at certain angles and looks quite odd.

But fog doesnt work like that

to make fog more realistic, it would have to react to lighting by distorting it as the light hits the moisture.
The small voxel region lighting demo showcased this pretty well…

In the example you’ve shown, youll also want to have a larger difference between FogStart and FogEnd as fog doesnt have a harsh thin horizon like that

Having a circular shape to fog would be interesting but I dont think it would be used to make fog more realistic. It could have some artistic usecases but those may be better suited for a different feature altogether


Fog does kinda work like that, it’s just hard to demonstrate in a static image, hence why I think the OP made a very exaggerated version of spherical fog. This was discussed in this thread:

If you you rotate your camera on the spot, if a building is the right distance away it will appear and disappear out of the fog as the edge of the fog plane is further away from you. Obviously this doesn’t happen in real life.

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Yes, however fog would be dependent of the FieldOfView to appear rounded rather than its own radius when it is still flat

I suspect it is this way for performance reasons, since it’s just a color blended based on the depth value for each pixel. This depth value is calculated in a performance-friendly way and isn’t the same as the pixel’s actual surface location’s distance from the camera viewpoint.

Since fog is almost entirely for performance (hides far away objects), I’m not sure this would be the best way to tackle such a thing. But then again, it is useful for games.

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Technically, it’s most appropriate to describe fog vision as a sphere since fog appears thicker the further you see it assuming your vision is a point in space. The reason why you might think it’s ‘flat’ is for the same reason why the horizon looks flat all around you even though we live on a globe - perspective. Roblox’s current fog system is indeed fairly unrealistic as it renders as a volumetric plane that simply moves with the camera, but it does its job.

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I support this, as it would be nice to have a reliable fog cutoff distance. Being able to turn the camera and see farther has been an issue for me here and there. It can be fixed by shortening the fogend, but it would be nice to have this change.

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