Limit placement of items with math.clamp

Hi, I’ll just get right into it.
I have a placement system that uses the Tunicus Placement Module, which allows me to place items down on my base in a grid of 3 studs. The system works, except the fact that exploiters are able to re-size their baseplate to place items in the air, or where not intended. Here is an example gif:

I have already tried using math.clamp in order to limit the CFrame so that they can’t do it, but it didnt fully work.
Here is the math calculating that, let me know if I some how did the math wrong.
(location is just the CFrame given by the client, truebase is the baseplate)

local x,y,z,r00,r01,r02,r10,r11,r12,r20,r21,r22 = location:components()
local lowerX = truebase.Position.X - (truebase.Size.X / 2)
local upperX = truebase.Position.X + (truebase.Size.X / 2)
local lowerZ = truebase.Position.Z - (truebase.Size.Z / 2)
local upperZ = truebase.Position.Z + (truebase.Size.Z / 2)
local newlocation =, lowerX, upperX), y, math.clamp(z, lowerZ, upperZ),r00,r01,r02,r10,r11,r12,r20,r21,r22)

I have also tried using the Tunicus Placing Module on the server, but since its mostly client side stuff, it errors.
What other ways are there to either limit the CFrame onto the base, or somehow get the grid from the Module onto the server?
Here is the full server side script if you want to take a look at it

rs.Functions.Placement.OnServerInvoke = function(player, art, item, location)
	if placedeb == 1 and item then
		placedeb = 2
		local realitem = rs.Items:FindFirstChild(item.Name)
		if art == "Place" then
			if realitem then
				if player.Inventory:FindFirstChild(item.Name) then
					if player.Inventory[item.Name].Value > 0 then
						local base = getBase(player)
						local truebase = base.Base				
						local tempitem = realitem:Clone()
						tempitem.Parent = base.Items

						undothing = tempitem
						local box ="SelectionBox")
						box.LineThickness = 0.05
						box.Adornee = tempitem.Hitbox
						box.Parent = player.PlayerGui
						if player.Inventory[item.Name].Value > 1 then
							player.Inventory[item.Name].Value = player.Inventory[item.Name].Value - 1
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