Loading a corrupted JPEG with PromptImportFile and using it as a Decal Texture causes Studio to crash immediately w/o warning

Loading a corrupted JPEG with PromptImportFile and using it as a Decal Texture causes Studio to crash immediately w/o warning.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Download the following corrupted JPEG (I just edited a JPEG in notepad by inputing/deleting random characters): corrupted_jpeg.jpg - Google Drive
  2. In an empty Baseplate template, run the following command in the command bar: print(game:GetService("StudioService"):PromptImportFile({"jpg"}):GetTemporaryId()). When prompted to import a file from your computer, select the corrupted JPEG you downloaded. A temporary id (rbxtemp://xxx) will be printed into output.
  3. Insert a Decal into the Baseplate. Set the Decal’s Texture property to that of the output from step 2. After setting the Texture property, Studio will immediately crash.

Studio Version:

I’m not sure when this started happening, but I noticed this yesterday.