Hey everyone, I made a topic on this a couple of days ago but I’ve run into the same issue again.
I am developing a fashion game that loads assets directly from the catalog. The issue is that the loading of those links is taking an excessively long time. The rate limit for HTTP requests is 100/minute, but I am only doing 11 in the space of 1-2 minutes.
Here’s a simplification of my code for the purposes of this topic:
local Links = {
Shirts = "https://catalog.rprxy.xyz/v1/search/items?category=Clothing&limit=100&maxPrice=999&minPrice=5&sortAggregation=3&sortType=2&subcategory=Shirts";
Pants = "https://catalog.rprxy.xyz/v1/search/items?category=Clothing&limit=100&maxPrice=999&minPrice=5&sortAggregation=3&sortType=2&subcategory=Pants";
Faces = "https://catalog.rprxy.xyz/v1/search/items?category=BodyParts&limit=100&sortAggregation=3&sortType=1&subcategory=Faces";
Hats = "https://catalog.rprxy.xyz/v1/search/items?category=Accessories&limit=100&sortAggregation=3&sortType=1&subcategory=Hats";
Hair = "https://catalog.rprxy.xyz/v1/search/items?category=Accessories&limit=100&sortAggregation=3&sortType=1&subcategory=HairAccessories";
Face = "https://catalog.rprxy.xyz/v1/search/items?category=Accessories&limit=100&sortAggregation=3&sortType=1&subcategory=FaceAccessories";
Neck = "https://catalog.rprxy.xyz/v1/search/items?category=Accessories&limit=100&sortAggregation=3&sortType=1&subcategory=NeckAccessories";
Shoulder = "https://catalog.rprxy.xyz/v1/search/items?category=Accessories&limit=100&sortAggregation=3&sortType=1&subcategory=ShoulderAccessories";
Front = "https://catalog.rprxy.xyz/v1/search/items?category=Accessories&limit=100&sortAggregation=3&sortType=1&subcategory=FrontAccessories";
Back = "https://catalog.rprxy.xyz/v1/search/items?category=Accessories&limit=100&sortAggregation=3&sortType=1&subcategory=BackAccessories";
Waist = "https://catalog.rprxy.xyz/v1/search/items?category=Accessories&limit=100&sortAggregation=3&sortType=1&subcategory=WaistAccessories";
for Name, Link in pairs(Links) do
while true do
local Success, Result = pcall(function()
local Feedback = HTTPService:GetAsync(Link)
Feedback = HTTPService:JSONDecode(Feedback)
return Feedback
if Success then
warn(Name .. "\n" .. LoadedLinks .. "\nError loading link, retrying\n" .. Result)
And here’s a video of my trying to load at the start of a server:
As you can see from the time that it’s taking, and the output, the links are failing to load, which is making the loading take way more time that it should be.
Does anyone have a fix for this? Is there some sort of proxy I can use to work around this? Is my code at fault here?
At this point I just really need a solution, so if you’d prefer to talk about this via discord, my tag is oskar#1000.
I really appreciate all responses, thanks for taking the time to read this.