Loading links from HTTPS is taking way too long

Hey everyone, I made a topic on this a couple of days ago but I’ve run into the same issue again.

I am developing a fashion game that loads assets directly from the catalog. The issue is that the loading of those links is taking an excessively long time. The rate limit for HTTP requests is 100/minute, but I am only doing 11 in the space of 1-2 minutes.

Here’s a simplification of my code for the purposes of this topic:

local Links = {
	Shirts = "https://catalog.rprxy.xyz/v1/search/items?category=Clothing&limit=100&maxPrice=999&minPrice=5&sortAggregation=3&sortType=2&subcategory=Shirts";
	Pants = "https://catalog.rprxy.xyz/v1/search/items?category=Clothing&limit=100&maxPrice=999&minPrice=5&sortAggregation=3&sortType=2&subcategory=Pants";
	Faces = "https://catalog.rprxy.xyz/v1/search/items?category=BodyParts&limit=100&sortAggregation=3&sortType=1&subcategory=Faces";

	Hats = "https://catalog.rprxy.xyz/v1/search/items?category=Accessories&limit=100&sortAggregation=3&sortType=1&subcategory=Hats";
	Hair = "https://catalog.rprxy.xyz/v1/search/items?category=Accessories&limit=100&sortAggregation=3&sortType=1&subcategory=HairAccessories";
	Face = "https://catalog.rprxy.xyz/v1/search/items?category=Accessories&limit=100&sortAggregation=3&sortType=1&subcategory=FaceAccessories";
	Neck = "https://catalog.rprxy.xyz/v1/search/items?category=Accessories&limit=100&sortAggregation=3&sortType=1&subcategory=NeckAccessories";
	Shoulder = "https://catalog.rprxy.xyz/v1/search/items?category=Accessories&limit=100&sortAggregation=3&sortType=1&subcategory=ShoulderAccessories";
	Front = "https://catalog.rprxy.xyz/v1/search/items?category=Accessories&limit=100&sortAggregation=3&sortType=1&subcategory=FrontAccessories";
	Back = "https://catalog.rprxy.xyz/v1/search/items?category=Accessories&limit=100&sortAggregation=3&sortType=1&subcategory=BackAccessories";
	Waist = "https://catalog.rprxy.xyz/v1/search/items?category=Accessories&limit=100&sortAggregation=3&sortType=1&subcategory=WaistAccessories";

for Name, Link in pairs(Links) do
	while true do
		local Success, Result = pcall(function()
			local Feedback = HTTPService:GetAsync(Link)
			Feedback = HTTPService:JSONDecode(Feedback)
		return Feedback

	if Success then
		warn(Name .. "\n" .. LoadedLinks .. "\nError loading link, retrying\n" .. Result) 


And here’s a video of my trying to load at the start of a server:

As you can see from the time that it’s taking, and the output, the links are failing to load, which is making the loading take way more time that it should be.

Does anyone have a fix for this? Is there some sort of proxy I can use to work around this? Is my code at fault here?

At this point I just really need a solution, so if you’d prefer to talk about this via discord, my tag is oskar#1000.

I really appreciate all responses, thanks for taking the time to read this.

Your sending to many get requests at once. Try increasing the wait to about 5-10 seconds.

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Doesn’t that just replace my problem with another one? I’m looking to cut loading times, but increasing the wait time would make it take longer than before.

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I don’t think Roblox’s limit for the endpoint is that low, so you might want to use a different proxy. I could be wrong, though.

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Do you know any other proxies? Honestly, I don’t know what the issue is either.

Its probably not roblox limits your hitting. Its the link’s limits. So yea do what @posatta said and try to find another proxy to use.

Isn’t the HTTP 429 error for hitting Roblox’s limits?

No its not, its just the other server kindly telling you that your sending to many requests.

Haha, alright. Does anyone know other proxies?

If anyone knows an alternate to rprxy.xyz, I still need a solution

rprxy can be really slow sometimes, you have two options when it comes to your particular usecase. You can wait for AvatarEditorService to release so you can use AvatarEditorService | Roblox Creator Documentation.

Or alternatively you can set up your own proxy GitHub - sentanos/rprxy: ROBLOX Proxy.

None of the solutions listed above are particularly great so you’ll have to make do unless someone else has a better alternative.

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You should cache the results if you want it to be faster. HTTP requests will always have some sort of latency.

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