Lobby Alternative

Hello everyone, I had a question about my game that has a lobby place and main game place. The problem that I’m having is when the player joins, it sends them to the lobby and then they go to the main game but on the main game page on Roblox, you can’t see anyone in the servers list. Any ways I can change this?

Just curious, why would someone/you need to see a list of servers? It isn’t really a problem.

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true but if there was a way to show the list, then that would be ideal

Use messaging service to create your own server lists, within the game lobby.

Oh that’s an issue of sending people into another place.

Couldn’t the lobby be 100 player servers where many players meet each other, then they go to respective zones? if you make them go to another place they won’t appear in the game.

You could do this rudimentary solution, that is to send the players to the games first for a milisecond, then send them to the lobby instantaneously, making players going to the games just a middle-man, and the lobby being 1 player servers where they choose where to go. This wouldn’t be the best solution but it’s one that could be done.

Yea but what is the point in doing that?, Seems rather redundant and you might as well just not send people out of the 100 player server when using that method.

The point in doing that is that when you look at the servers, the servers will show the players currently in sessions, and not 1 player only servers which represent the lobbies.

As I said, rudimentary, but it could work.

The other possibility is just make 100 player servers, which is the one he probably should go for. The idea I had for quickly sending players to the 100 player server is the fact that those 100 player servers weren’t supposed to exist, it’s a solution to something different.

If there’s 100 player servers, just send the players directly to it, no need of middle man

But if the lobby is meant to be a hud showing small details about the game like an interface similar to COD or Minecraft, where the players would never interact with each other and you only need 1 player, they should send the players who recently joined straight into the 1 player server after being in a match they don’t belong to for a milisecond, to show many players in the server list and not 1 player servers.