LocalScript only printing initial message

this is a first for me. my LocalScript only prints “script running” but never anything else. it doesn’t throw any errors, no “Infinite yield”, nothing. i haven’t the slightest clue as to what the issue could be

print("script running")

local viewport = script.Parent:WaitForChild("ViewportFrame")
local world_model = viewport:WaitForChild("WorldModel")
local local_player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer 
local character = local_player.CharacterAdded:Wait() or local_player.Character
local connection

print("starting viewport frame") -- never prints ???

viewport.CurrentCamera = workspace.CurrentCamera

if world_model and world_model.Rig then
	print("the stuff is not nil")
	connection = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function()
		if world_model.Rig.PivotTo then
			print("PivotTo function exists")
			warn("not a valid function")
	warn("something malicious is brewing (something is nil)")
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i can’t find an obvious error either; but, try switching .CharacterAdded:Wait() and .Character around? maybe the script is forced to wait for some reason


try putting a print between each one to see exactly where it stops at
i’m assuming either ViewportFrame or WorldModel doesn’t exist

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When this scipt runs in the first milleseconds it takes during loading your WaitForChilds may time out and not find the items so the script gets hung up.

Try prints after each of your local lines at the top to see where it’s hanging up:

local viewport = script.Parent:WaitForChild("ViewportFrame")
print(viewport) -- or viewport.Name if necessary, I'm not familiar with all the properties)
local world_model = viewport:WaitForChild("WorldModel")
print(world_model) -- or world_model.Name

Hehe, just realized @D0RYU posted this


update: turns out it was the character portion that stopped the script from running. i placed print statements between each variable declaration and it stopped at “print(character)”. i removed it and it worked exactly as intended

Please mark your post as the Solution so that others don’t keep trying to solve it. :slight_smile:

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