Looking at tips of GFX (Begginer)

Hello, everyone! This is my first post so it may be in the wrong categories; please correct me if that’d the case.

  • What are you trying to achieve?
    I’m a begginer at making GFX on any program. I’ve made some arte just for fun but it seems like i’m not improving, so I’m here just asking for some tips

  • What are your problems?
    When I create a model of my character in studio it always have some overlapped parts bettween the lower arm and upper arm like it is shown in my first example:

    I don’t know how to correct that and I’ve seen
    some amazing works of other artists with a
    very clean and smooth arm

    Another problem is the lighting. In some of
    my other GFX, my models look extremly bright,
    and again; i have no idea about the solution

  • What solutions have you tried so far?
    I haven’t tried anything yet for the overlappling. For lighting, i’ve been playing with the lamp on Ble der but nothing seems to work. I need help!


Are you using IK on the animation studio?

I’m sorry for my ignorance; but idk what’s “IK”. I’ve been just using a plugin to load my character and then I start to move it part by part

I use the Roblox Animation Studio to pose it and use the IK function on it, that way you’re able to make poses that don’t look weird.

Then I use the Anchor Pose plugin to anchor it.

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Okay if you’re a beginner at creating 3D Art:

There’s a lot Video Tutorials in Youtube for that, Don’t Rush things and get straight into creating your 3D Artworks, because you will waste more time doing that when you keep coming back watching tutorials if you’ve run into a problem. Learn the tools, the User Interface, the features, etc. of your 3D software and determine how can you use these knowledge to incorporate in your 3D Artworks.

Okay now if you don’t want to do that, that’s alright, but I highly recommend it.
Now on to your problems and questions;
"When I create a model of my character in studio it always have some overlapped parts"

"Another problem is the lighting."

  • Use a real time render engine, from the render you’ve included above, I assume you use blender. In blender, the default render engine is eevee, I suggest you use Cycles, the difference is that basically cycles simulate realism (because it is a real time render engine) while eevee fakes it. I know you can still achieve realism with eevee, but you have to tweak some options. If you want to learn more about the difference here’s a YT Vid: Eevee Vs Cycles in Blender 2.8 - Which is best? - YouTube

  • If you want to stay and use the default render engine, thats fine. You can still achieve realism and good lighting by incorporating real life principles when it comes to lighting. You can use the most well known lighting system which is:
    Basically incorporate some film or photography knowledge into your artwork if you want to achieve clean and realistic renders.

I’m not like a professional at this aspect and I’m also at the process of learning and improving at it, but I guarantee you these tips ^^^ are really helpful.