I just rereleased my game, Fantasy Park, a theme park that currently has 5 roller coasters and 3 attractions. At first, I was building this game based on real life parks and coasters such as Knott’s and Universal Studios. However, as I continued to work on it, I began building original coasters like the Wild West Ride and Haunted Mine Ride.
The main thing that I’m looking for in feedback is how can I keep players invested in exploring the park? When I first released the game, there weren’t many players, and the few that did join quickly left, many of them not even going past the main plaza. I thought the theme park needed to be more appealing to keep players invested, so I closed the game and went back to improving it.
I’ve been considering and fixing many things. For starters, the entire map layout for the park has been completely redone. The original map used to be much more spaced out, which gave the impression that it seemed empty. I thought that this must’ve been the main reason why the player time was so low, it just didn’t seem interesting enough. I made the map much smaller and made everything more clumped together, which I think looks much better than before, and it seems like there’s a lot to look at from different directions.
Another improvement was adding many more buildings, and make the place more complete and visually interesting to the player. I also began making my roller coasters more interactive and immersive, with NPCs interacting with characters, and different environments. I’m also planning on adding shops as soon as I can find a scripter and UI dev to help out.
I think at this point the game is definitely ready to be released, but I want to hear constructive feedback so I can know what players like, what they don’t like, and what can be improved. I also want to hear some ideas on ways to keep players invested on the game longer and leave an impression, since I lack the budget for marketing and I can only hope that the game spreads by word of mouth.
Here are some ideas that I have to improve the game:
-Shops and dining
-More rides and attractions
-New game icon and thumbnail.
Here is the game, I look forward to hearing what you guys think.