Looking for Feedback on the Homestore I recently started

Hello! Recently I started on this Homestore (Still Working On) and I’m looking for some feedback. Specifically, how much do you think it would be worth?

Pictures of Homestore

Thank you!!!


I think that looks really good but, in my opinion, you could fill the empty space that is there as people don’t like to see nothing. Maybe a fake advertisement or something. I love the neon lights as they are not too bright and not too dark and fit the atmosphere really well.

Great job! :smiley:

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I do believe that this shop is worth a good 750 Robux!

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If it was fully decorated how much would you say?

I would say around the 1k mark.

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Ok, thank you for the feedback.

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i think its worth maybe 500 - 1000 robux, very bland, plain, and uninteresting, and the outside is even more so

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Forgot to add I’m still working on it, but with what was given, thanks :slight_smile:

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Honestly not bad for a newer builder. I suggest you make the store a bit more random. The store is symmetrical maybe a bit too symmetrical… If I were to pay for this store i would pay around 500 - 1000 robux

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