Looking for model rigger/animator

About Us

We are Gigawatt Studios LLC., a new startup company on Roblox w/the core founding members/developers of the hit racing game, Vehicle Simulator, working directly within the company.

The Team
ArtmemisTheDeer: CEO
TrustMeImRussian: Chief designer
MarioMan57169: IT Director
SecondLogic: Programmer
mannysami5: Programmer
FriendlyBiscuit: UI/UX designer

About The Job

We are looking for someone who is experienced w/rigging models (Preferably also w/support for bones for mesh deformation), and animating rigged models in studio using whatever tools they desire. Examples cases we need assistance w/are:

Cars denting/collapsing mesh-wise, a helicopter hovering in the air and holding an object, a tanker truck rolling over, or a structure (Animated) falling down and blocking a path.

Starting off, we expect around 5-10 props to need animation (And maybe 1 big structure, we’re aiming for a minimum viable product by the end of February).


We are paying in USD/foreign equivalent, w/a 1099-misc/foreign equivalent being issued at the end of the year if applicable. Payment can be made via wire transfers/ACH transfers/PayPal/other money transfer services.

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Twitter at: @artemisrbx. Discord is ArtemisTheDeer#1997 (Send a DM if trying to friend on Discord).

Thank you for your time, and we hope to hear from you soon!

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