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What about payment? Its the most important part of a recruitment post.

yes, and if you do not have robux or USD you can put percentages of the game for developers

Hello, I am mateo a Low Poly builder and I would like to work with you. I sent them a request my discord is: Mateooarce1 # 5653

Oh yeah i actually did a free one.

Cause i dont really have those stuff yet.

I would recommend reading this post about Recruitment topics. You are unlikely to get many people wanting to work with you/for you if they don’t know what they will be doing. Payment is also key, the majority of developers on the platform won’t work for free. You can view an example recruitment post here.

You don’t have

  • a plan for a game
  • a teammate (since you don’t build? Otherwise why aren’t you in the team?)
  • a plan for payment

And you expect people to apply?
I think you should think of a plan first, decide a payment method and maybe learn how to build/script.
But good luck anyway


Just like reply above, Most of devs don’t work for free… You can state percentages as payment for devs however you must have plan, backup plan, advertisement which you have to lose some of your robux on it so devs getting payed and don’t end up got scammed and work for nothing…

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