Looking for someone to compose music (Closed)


Hello I am Eeveonic, And I am looking for someone to compose music

About The Job

I need a composer to create music that is original and it should be around 2-4 minutes long.

Type of music I am looking for:

It needs to be peaceful and very calming, something similar to this

Later I may recruit for full time, most likely the composer I work with would be selected.


I will pay 2K for 1 music, I only need 1 at the moment, I will update the post when I need another composer


Contact me here in the devfourm or on discord

Discord: Eeveonic#3536

Thank you for reading this post.


Sent you a friend request on Discord! stephen#5154

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Sent you a friend request on Discord!

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I’ve removed the tag from your title–that’s what the “optional tags” section is for. :slight_smile:

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Okay, Sorry about that, Thank you for your help!

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