Looking for someone to port timsort to rbxlua

I can pay per hour or a flat fee, in robux or USD, and the price is 100% negotiable. Right now I’m thinking around 10k25k r$, but it can be something else entirely if you present a convincing argument

So timsort is the fastest stable&practical comparison based sorting algorithm
Specifically, I want to pay for this c++ implementation to be ported to rbxlua

You should keep all the existing micro-optomizations, and make your own wherever possible too (avoid table creation,inline functions,reuse vars etc)

Some requirements for this are:
knowledge of c++ and lua
work on this only once you take it on
start(and finish)within like 3 days of now

Since I script a little, I’d like some of this to be a conversation in order to create the best possible module(e.g: I may point out where you can micro-optimize a part more)

I personally don’t plan on having this open-sourced, but if that’s what you want we can still work something out
If you think you might be interested, please add me on discord Acreol#0001

Thanks for reading

Why do you need this?

a fast stable sort would be nice to have (useful in many places such as replicating UIGridLayout sorting)
But the particular reason I came across timsort is I needed a stable sort for my Vars module in my Lua tools module/library
I am using merge sort right now but I’d like to switch to timsort bc why not xd

Why doesn’t table.sort work for you? That uses quicksort

its not stable

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I actually just went over this yesterday in my algorithms and data structures lecture.
I’d be willing to implement it for you for the right price ofc.

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