Loot Manager - A module for your Random Events and Loot (Loot Cases and more)

A picture’s worth a thousand words. Please include a sample video in your post, thank you.


Quick question about your random selection system.

You appear to be adding a lot of values to a central table, then randomly selecting a value from that table, which while working fine at 100 values, if we want a highly detailed system with potentially 10,000 total values that can create a huge performance spike.

Im just interested in why you chose this over a weight based system?

Edit: has been changed


If OP isn’t sure how to create a good weight based system, here is one I wrote…

RarityManager.RegularCaseRarityValues = {
	{Rarity = 1, Chance = 60};
	{Rarity = 2, Chance = 25};
	{Rarity = 3, Chance = 14};
	{Rarity = 4, Chance = 0.9};
	{Rarity = 5, Chance = 0.1};

RarityManager.PremiumCaseRarityValues = {
	{Rarity = 3, Chance = 50};
	{Rarity = 4, Chance = 45};
	{Rarity = 5, Chance = 5};

function RarityManager.GetCaseRarityValue(premium)
	local targetTable = premium and RarityManager.PremiumCaseRarityValues or RarityManager.RegularCaseRarityValues

	local selectedNumber = math.random(0, 100)/10

	local counted = 0
	for _, chanceData in pairs(targetTable)do
		counted = counted + chanceData.Chance
		if counted >= selectedNumber then
			return chanceData.Rarity

This is just pulled out of a random project of mine. The random logic for selectedNumber which returns a random number from 0-100 to a decimal point of 1 could be improved, but otherwise this is a clean and efficient way of handling a weighted probability issue.

It works like so… If an item has a 30% chance of being one, the code will “allocate” the first 30 numbers of 1-100, RNG comes up anywhere from 0-29, you win the 30% item. The next item, which is say 20%, will be allocated the numbers 30-50, and if the RNG throws up a number between 30-50, you win the 20% item


5 posts were split to a new topic: LootTable (Private Discussion)

It wasn’t meant to be passive aggressive, and sorry if it came off that way!!

I was just trying to help, as I thought it’d improve your module, thats all :slight_smile:

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Hello, i want to know what’s the difference between this module and Quoteory’s one?

I would like a list with pros and cons :+1:.

Thanks. I am a real beginner and I appreciate this!

Update 7/27/2020

Fixed the miscalculation between Chances

Added a GetChances() function to convert Weights into percentages. (for visualization purposes and more)

Update 7/26/2020

I renamed LootTable to LootManager

i’ve completely reconstructed this module, and will continue to add utilities and other useful functions, like easy to use fortune wheels and case systems (please provide suggestions)

I’ve added support for both weights and percentages directly. (weights can also use decimals now too, but don’t confuse the weight in decimal form with percentages)

Weight/Chance tables are now fully flexible and can contain custom data to help you
compare the randomly chosen element to a list of rewards. (or even comparing to angles on a fortune wheel).

Please post any bugs / suggestions you may have.

That module only works with items, and is general logic. (its NOT a bad system either, its just only used for items)

My module on the other hand can be used for ANY random type of event.

fortune wheels
simulating dice.
slot machines
mystery boxes and loot cases
and any event/action that requires random/variated results.

Hi there~ @codyorr4

Thank you for sharing your creation with us, this is very interesting stuff.

Would you kindly create a link to Source code (preferably Github and/or Pastebin) for people who want to read the source but don’t have any access to a PC or maybe want to contribute to the source

I know you provided Source code in the OP, but it’s easier to read on Pastebin

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there we go @RuizuKun_Dev, i’ve provided a pastebin link and i don’t think i’ll need github contributors just yet, the module is kinda small now compared to my old module.

thanks again for the advice.

Is there any way to use the old version?

If @codyorr4 has a GitHub repo for this you can look back through the commits and find the one you’re looking for.

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I’ll upload the old version as well, sorry. (i really do recommend the new one though)

EDIT: @TheDemoDeveloper
I’ve uploaded the old version above. ^

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Would anyone know of a good tutorial or resource that would help me script a fortune wheel like shown in the OP’s media example?

I know how to make a wheel spin with a decal on it, but not how to make it stop at the reward point.

What I have at the moment:
A wheel and click detector. Once clicked, the wheel spins and stops at a random location.

What I can do:
Once clicked, an event fires to the server. The server chooses the reward (e.g. local selectedBean = LootManager:GetRandomSlot(jar)) the player will get and sends that info back to the client.

What I still need to learn:
The client will then spin the wheel so it lands on the “reward image” associated with the reward received.

Any pointers would be much appreciated :slight_smile:

you would need to figure out how to get your wheel slots with a provided angle.

here is a really basic setup. (mine was something similar)

local slots = {
    Slot1 = {
        Angle = 0
        RewardType = "Uncommon"
    Slot2 = {
        Angle = 25
        RewardType = "Legendary"

now the server will just randomly choose one of these slots, after the server has chose a slot then it will just make the client do a spin animation that gradually slows down. Now once the wheel reaches a certain speed just make the wheel stop when it reaches the desired angle provided by the slots table.


1). this is a ‘fixed’ spin and the reward is already chosen by the server before the wheel even starts spinning on the client.

2). Its way easier to compare angles to a ImageLabel (in a SurfaceGui or ScreenGui) then it is to compare angles to a parts orientation (atleast it was for me)

3). If you want to play fast sounds locally for the wheel spin then you need this (or some sort of custom method)

4). if you don’t want a ‘fixed’ spin then you could also try to emulate some physics of a spinning wheel but I couldn’t really imagine how that is done, and it would have to be handled by the server (so people can’t exploit the spin) which wouldn’t be smooth.

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Thank you so much! I’ll try to implement your suggestions :slight_smile:

no problem, goodluck. :ok_hand: