LuaBlocks | A Visual Programming Plugin | BIG NEWS!

No? It’ll encourage more developers to learn code. Obviously they’ll mature into normal coding as visual coding will always have limitations.

Great work! This will make a lot of aspiring coders lives a lot easier.

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I personally wouldn’t use it, but for beginning programmers this would be awesome. Gives them an additional resource to understanding code, instead of free models. And it can help those who just want to put together a simple game without writing out the tedious code. I love the idea, sorta reminds me of the CORE gaming engine.

Keep up the good work!

Just curious, as I see the thread is a bit older, is the project still going? Or has development stopped?

The project is still going but if anyone else wants to create something similar they totally can. I have been busy recently with some stuff IRL so I havent been as active as I would like to be.

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Will the plugin be free or cost some Robux? Fine either which.

Most likely Robux, but I was also thinking about selling it through a secondary website instead of through Roblox. I personally dont like Roblox’s revenue strategy for developers. They get far too little for the amount of money the consumer is putting in. You would actually save money if I sold it on a secondary website and gave you the plugin file. But then there are security problems and such. Maybe ill just open source it. I havent decided fully yet.

I believe the sale of Roblox game items through an external payment portal is against the ToS, just a heads up.

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Ill have to check. Like I havent decided yet, but leave it to them to force you to sell exclusively on there platform.

Although, I don’t have any problem with regular code, i really want to try this out.


I may not use it that much but this will be a extremely good plugin so that nearly everyone can script easily. Im saying this will be a big feature. Keep on working!

this will expand the development comunity hugely

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I added a new poll for pricing and have given a more detailed look into what the product actually is and what the path it will be taking is. I look forward to your feedback! Happy Thanksgiving!

I really hope that it isn’t USD, most likely not since selling stuff 3rd party against TOS. Most people who would buy it for USD are people who can learn code easily. But kids who don’t know the code but wanna make games might want this but then see it is USD. So honestly, you’d probably get more sales if you did Robux.

Im going to most likely make it free with an optional Patreon, that seems to be what people want most.

Loving this idea! I, for one, love visual programming. I sometimes do indie game development in GameMaker: Studio and I started out using some of the drag and drop stuff, then I started learning code because the learning curve wasn’t so steep and the jump wasn’t too great!

I would love something like this for Roblox. I would also love to learn Lua in a way like this.

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That would be awesome! :smiley:

I think this would be good for helping beginners learn coding logic and understanding what coding actually is, but I strongly advise people to not use this to make a game. Creating an actual game with a VPL is not the way to go. You get restricted on what you can actually do and you can’t modify code “blocks” to be efficient in an actual game. I would recommend reading tutorials on this site and going onto the Roblox education site too. Edit: this also creates cookie cutter games like with game maker studio and others. There are only 12 integers that are greater than 0 and less than 13.

VPL are good for learning coding logic but not actual coding. Real coding is good for real coding.

Should people learn “fake” coding or actually learn it?
  • Learn “fake” coding
  • Learn real coding

0 voters

I dislike arguing with people because I am naturally a very blunt person and I come off as rude unintentionally, but since I am attempting to create a product and a product cant exist without the consumer (And that is what you are) I will try to change your mind.

You get restricted on what you can actually do and you can’t modify code “blocks” to be efficient in an actual game.

I mentioned in the post above that the goal of LuaBlox is to eventually support all of the Roblox API. This means theoretically there should not be any restrictions as to what you can accomplish with LuaBlox relative to traditional coding.

I would recommend reading tutorials on this site and going onto the Roblox education site too.

I too would recommend this! LuaBlox is not a replacement it is an alternative. Learning Roblox API can help you understand LuaBlox.

This also creates cookie cutter games like with game maker studio and others. There are only 12 integers that are greater than 0 and less than 13.

I refer back to my starting argument as a rebuttal to this statement, LuaBlox and traditional scripting will theoretically have the same restrictions as they both will use the same API. LuaBlox is just a shell over the core API. They both function the same under the hood.

VPL are good for learning coding logic but not actual coding. Real coding is good for real coding.

Heres my overall statement: Roblox Studio is the nail and LuaBlox is the hammer. There are many ways to hit a nail, but having a hammer makes it much easier. LuaBlox is not a replacement, is an alternative. Its not permanent (although it can be) its temporary. Children learn to crawl before they walk. With coding there is no crawling phase, you walk and fall then get back up over and over. The learning curve is very steep, especially for Roblox’s target audience. LuaBlox creates a “crawling phase” for learning to code. Its a ladder to help you get to your final destination.

I may also mention that your poll is biased, a VPL is not “fake” coding. Fake and real are relative terms. The way you used them in the poll guarantees a specific answer that you’re looking to receive. You’re looking to find out who wants to use a VPL and who doesn’t, and coincidentally I created a poll asking that exact question in my original post. “Who would use this?” to which over 60% of people said they would.


Are there any updates on this? I really hope its still in development, as it’d make a lot of peoples lives a lot easier while learning coding.

Is there any way to access your visual coding project right now for testing?

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I haven’t been active on Roblox in a while. As of now the project is in a frozen state.