Make a flag option for NSFW

Today, I almost got scar for life to see something I shouldn’t have seen the first place. A User was posting soo much NSFW, that I can’t believe that user hasn’t been banned from the dev forum Yet. Most people flag the post, while some were even pinging moderators, this is a problem that has to be solved immediately. developers need a new flag option that able to contact moderators to deal with these posts, or at least make the user stop posting.

Why we need this.

Whenever this happens, it sets a very bad example for Roblox and devforum community. Imagine if kids saw this, this could scar them for life. Visitors shouldn’t even have the perk to look at flag posts. if least two or three users flag a post that NSFW, it should hide the post/topics, and stop users from having to post or create a topic. it would immediately stop a person from doing anything on devforum.

How this would benefit the user posting NSFW

  • This Feature should hide user posts/topics for Visitors, Members, Regular+, But only moderation would be able to look at these posts/topics.

  • This would stop users from posting and creating topics.

  • If no current moderation is not available online, then the First and Second Feature should work automatically if Two or three Users have flag this topic/post for NSFW. When Moderations are current online they can decide the punishment for the user.


That is what the “inappropriate” option is for. Also flag options are built into the software. Even then, “something else” option exists, so if “inappropriate” didn’t exist you could mention it was nsfw in the something else option.


You would flag it for “It’s Inappropriate” out of everything for severe issues.


I think given the nature of this forum however, it wouldn’t be undesirable to have a flag option that when it wins as the flag reason and the post is hidden, the post cannot be expanded by visitors/members/regulars. It’s very undesirable to let someone accidentally expand pornography when they were expecting something just rude or off-topic.


We don’t need this to be seperate from the “It’s Inappropriate” flag that we already have. It’s unbelievably rare for this to happen, and it’s up to the users choice to show hidden/flagged posts that could offend or shock them. Unless it’s some extremely graphic irl gore, I highly doubt it would scar anyone for life.


I’ve seen people post pornography on the devforum twice actually so it’s not very rare; one of them was today.

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So in 9 months of using the forum you saw it twice?

That does sound uncommon.


I think something like this is a good option. If a topic is flagged for being inappropriate multiple times, hide it from normal users or have a “this may be inappropriate note before opening” warning etc. Implementation doesn’t matter, just something that makes you less likely to unexpectedly have porn on your screen.

I’m not sure the point of the community being able to expand flagged posts anyway? That’s between the original poster or DET to resolve. This would have no impact.

If people abuse flagging system, terminate their roblox account.

If 3 or more people flag a topic it is unlisted until mods check it(and for NSFW posts, they almost always get tons of flags).

How so? It doesn’t prevent anything, and it’s just the same as the inappropriate flag category.

Again, I’m pretty sure if 3 or more people flag a topic it gets unlisted. Besides, moderation is near always on(at least 1 person).

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There’s an “Inappropriate” option


You have to be 13+ to use the forum. Still not saying that its ok, its just that really little kids have no way of seeing it (unless they are lying about their age, which is their own problem).

In all my years of being on the Developer Forum, I’ve never seen a single NSFW post. I think we’re good to go.

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Same, I’ve been an active user for (almost) six months, and I have yet to see something extremely inappropriate.

Luckily, I didn’t see the thing yesterday but I always make sure to look at the replies before expanding ignored content, which is always a good practice.

Besides, you’re more likely to see NSFW on platforms like Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, Instagram, and TikTok than on DevForum. There’s no such thing as a “NSFW-free” platform.

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100% agree with this, some people are at age of 13 (including myself), and should not be exposed to this kind of content.

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The Devforum is 13+, this is unlikely.

If a kid is lying about their age or not logged on and just lurking, that’s their problem.

Innapropiate flag option. Use the innapropiate flag option.

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Pretty sure YouTube has rules against that. :sweat_smile:

They said more likely, not that YouTube wants that on their platform.


Use the “inappropriate” flag option, if you see something else bad on the DevForums and there is no option for it, just use “Something else” option, moderators will see what else is happening and will solve it.


13 years is still pretty young.

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13 years isn’t really that young. People usually start high school when they’re 14. Plus, they’ve probably seen worse on the Internet.


That’s what the inappropriate option is for, I just saw some and it’s scary alright, i’m not old enough for this ****. And yes your right, it’s a deep scar that’s gonna stay for a day or 2.