Make billboard Gui scale more the further you go away

Hello. I am trying to implement a treasure system where there would be billboard gui’s above treasure chests. What I am trying to achieve is to make the gui really small when close to it, but quite very seeable from distance. I’ve found on the forum mostly people trying to do it other way around but I can’t get this working. The gui display player’s name (treasure owner) and the amount of cash in it so it has to be visible from a distance so the player can decide which to rob. On the other hand, I would like it to be just a small visible text above the chest when a player is close to it. Any help apreciated.

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You can achieve this without any coding. Simply scale your billboardgui and texts using Offset instead of Scale and it should get bigger as you walk away and get smaller as you walk closer.

UDim2 scale goes like {ScaleX, OffsetX}, {ScaleY, OffsetY} if you didn’t know.