Make Player.MembershipType return the tier of Roblox Premium

As a Roblox developer, it is currently not possible to get the tier of a player’s Premium membership. Before Premium, you could get a player’s membership using Player.MembershipType and it would return with None, BuildersClub, TurboBuildersClub, or OutrageousBuildersClub. Now it only returns with None or Premium.

I was planning on recreating the old Roblox player list with old icons and such (the lowest tier of Premium would be BC, 2nd TBC, 3rd OBC).

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I would be able to add membership-only perks/features that I was able to do for players who had certain Builders Club memberships.


I don’t think this would be in line with how Roblox wants to present Premium. The only difference between each tier should be the Robux stipend, so it makes sense that which tier you chose isn’t accessible to developers.


I agree. With builder’s club, many OBC users would show off that they are “superior” to TBC/BC/NBC users. Being able to distinguish between these three is only going to bring that back. And like you said they have the same exact features except for how much robux you get.