Make Studio Property Tooltips more helpful & consistent

When you don’t know what a property does, one of my first actions is to hover over the property for a tooltip to give me a brief explanation of what it does. Currently, some properties have tooltips that explain their purpose, but others just have the property name as a tooltip. This is not only extremely inconsistent, but unhelpful. Its a bit of a pain to have to google a property’s function all the time. This overall would be a nice QOL change that can make learning faster, and ease learning for new developers.

Existing tooltips could also use revision. For example, UDim2 at the end says “More information on UDim2 is available” which is really odd because its not really helpful at all.


Can you mention a few class properties that are like this?

Position, Name, RotVelocity, CollisionGroupId, CustomPhysicalProperties, Size, Shape, Surface Input and Surface properties, AnchorPoint, BorderMode, LayoutOrder, NextSelections, Visible, Auto Localize

I could keep going lol

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