Making a fireball on stats

Hello everyone i have a idea i want to make a Fireball with hotkey that shoot in mouse direction but also make it on stats like that you have 1 Cash you wil get red fireball and if its on 20 cash it changes to a rainbow fireball is this possible to make if yes how ? is t something with value i know a bit of scripting but not sure how i can make this

I’m not really sure what you mean, but you can make a value called cash and then do this:

if <yourvalue>.Value > 1 then
--give red fireball
if <yourvalue>.Value > 20 then
--give rainbow fireball

I mean, like I said, I’m not quite sure what you mean, if you meant something different please tell me so I can help you.
Have a great day

Like what @Chocolate9343 said, it will mainly just be if statements. It is hard for us to exactly tell you what you need to do as you have not explained really what method you wish the cash to work by and stuff like that but the basic idea of what you need to do is, when the money changes (this could be a change in a number value or something) then you just check with an if statement if the user has for example 20 cash.

i mean like

if your cast on the leaderstats is 0 than you get a Red Fireball you can shoot but if you have like
10 Cash on the leaderstats than it wil give your a blue Fireball isntand of the Red one