Making welds smoother..?

Hello! I want to be able to position my sword properly on the players hand, which I have achieved. However, when I want to use the C0 of the weld, it looks very strange on the player’s hand. Here is what it looks like:

how can I make it smooth like other popular sword fighting games, like ZO, Dynasty Battlegrounds, and blood samurai?

This happens to me alot! They is a simple plugin what allows you to customise the grip

Plugin Link

Hope this helps

Keep in mind this is only for the weird positioning of the katanas grip but hope it still helped.

Problem is this isn’t a tool, its a model…
Making this a model rather than a tool because I plan to use a custom hotbar for selecting weapons rather than the standard one Roblox provides when you have a tool.

Couldn’t you make it a tool but use some kind of script to hide the roblox default toolbar then make your custom toolbar like that?