Markers for players

So I’m working on a flight-game and I want to make some markers that should point in the direction of where the player is. Something like those red markers on the right side.

I already made the marker system but I can’t figure out how to update them on the players. Any solutions?

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I’m not entirely sure how your game’s code would look like but if I was approaching this id do something like this:

local PlayersInMatch = game.ReplicatedStorage.Game.PlayersInMatch-- We set this value to 10 for an example
local Blue= game.ReplicatedStorage.Game.BluePlayers-- We set this value to 10 for an example
local Red= game.ReplicatedStorage.Game.RedPlayers-- We set this value to 10 for an example
local tag = game.ReplicatedStorage.Tag -- The surfaceGUI tags
--Lets for example say following code activates when 3 players remain and you subtract 1 for every dead player for each team NumValue.
game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connection(function(plr) --Player joins the server
PlayersInMatch.Changed:Connect(function() --Players in match increases/decreases like on every respawn
--When ever a player dies we would remove a 1 from the players we identified already this is for 
--detecting amount of players left
	if Red.Value == 3 then --Can be removed if you want markers at all times
		for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
			if v.TeamColor =="Really red") then
				local KillTag = tag:Clone()
				Killtag.Parent = game.workspace[v.Name].Head --Doesn't have to be a character
	if Red.Value == 3 then --Can be removed if you want markers at all times
		for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
			if v.TeamColor =="Really blue") then
				local KillTag = tag:Clone()
				Killtag.Parent = game.workspace[v.Name].Head --Doesn't have to be a character
--Following code would be used for math type like FFA	
		if PlayersInMatch == 3 then
			for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
				if  game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(v.Name) then --If we have a GUI lobby then our charaacter doesn't exist to prevent killtags on nothing
					local KillTag = tag:Clone()
					Killtag.Parent = game.workspace[v.Name].Head --Doesn't have to be a character

It could maybe work. Is PlayersInMatch an IntValue?

And what do u mean with Killtag

Players in match yes is a intvalue and killtag is a surface gui that is already created and stored somewhere so then we don’t have to create 1 each time

I designed a whole new system but anyways thanks for ur help :slight_smile: