Math.random not working

I wanted to make a teleporting system for my game.
The script is supposed to teleport everyone to a random place within the random numbers but it always gets the people to the same place.
I hope anyone can help.

local x = math.random(-75, 45)
local z = math.random(-407, -270)

local players = game.Players:GetChildren()
		for i = 1, #players do
			players[i].Character:MoveTo(, 21.5, z))
local players = game.Players:GetChildren()
     for i = 1, #players do
          local x = math.random(-75, 45)
          local z = math.random(-407, -270)

          players[i].Character:MoveTo(, 21.5, z))

It worked now.
Thanks for helping. ^^