Mechanical Wishbone Suspension

I’ve rigged up a new single wishbone suspension system. It uses 2 “springs” which are essentially opposed offset hinges to create elasticity. It’s not just basic suspension. It has adjustable front and rear anti-sway bars along with a pair of watt’s linkages to keep the movement lateral and the camber low, even under heavy load. The heavier the anti-sway bar is, the less body roll it allows, which affects handling via the transfer of mass over the vehicle. Springs can be adjusted as well by adding another set of hinges.

heres a model of all the types:

And in case you’re wondering if it even does anything:

with suspension:

without suspension:

and heres a video demonstrating some up close mechanical action:

sorry in advance for the poor roblox studio record quality


You are insane and beautiful and I love it.

When I was in a making-vehicle phase, I thought of doing exactly this, it seems a lot more practical.


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