Messages Sent With StarterGui:SetCore Cut Off (NOT Using bubble chat)

When using StarterGui:SetCore("ChatMakeSystemMessage", configTable) parts of messages are sometimes truncated. This bug has been around since at least August but I haven’t been able to reproduce it until now.

To repro the issue, put the following inside a local script in StarterPlayer and play in studio or online.

Warning: The usernames pulled from the site will rarely contain profanity, so do not test this in a public game.

function SpawnMessage(Message)
	print("Spawning text with message: ", Message)

	game.StarterGui:SetCore("ChatMakeSystemMessage", {
		Text = Message,
		Color =,1,1),
		Font = Enum.Font.SciFi,

--Generate a list of random usernames to use
local L = 20
local UserNames = {}
for i = 1,L do
	UserNames[i] = game.Players:GetNameFromUserIdAsync(math.random(1,10000000))

while true do
    --Format the time
	local Time = math.random() * 3000
	local Minutes = math.floor(Time/60)
	local Seconds = Time - Minutes*60
	Seconds = math.floor(Seconds*100)/100
	local Str = (Minutes<10 and "0" or "")..tostring(Minutes)..":"..(Seconds<10 and "0" or "")..tostring(Seconds)
    --Create the message
	local M = UserNames[math.random(1,L)].." finished 1st in RaceName with a time of: "..Str.."!"


After about 20-30 or so messages, one of the message will be missing the time stamp and exclamation mark, but examination of the output will show that the full message was sent to :SetCore(). Calling SpawnMessage multiple times per loop with the same input will result in the message being cutoff identically for each call. For example:

  • The issue seemingly will not occur without randomising the username component, however the highly random nature of the issue makes it difficult to confirm with certainty.

  • If the string is sent to the client by the server, every player will see the text being cut-off

  • Using one of the previous cut-off messages as the only input does not cause the issue. (e.g. calling SpawnMessage("black200 finished 1st in RaceName with a time of: 25:49.03!") in a loop)

  • The issue will occur with different patterns of strings created by concatenation, not just the example given here. I have experienced the same bug in a different game which featured an idea generator that concatenated different nouns, adjectives and sentence structures together into a new idea.

  • This issue also occurred for me in the past when using game.Chat:Chat(), but as bubble chat recently broke entirely it’s hard to say if the issues are related.

Edit: Changed title just to clarify that this is a different bug to the recent bubble chat issues


This issue also occurs frequently with regular player chat messages, which leads me to believe that this is a problem with the chat core gui entirely and not just StarterGui:SetCore’s interface.

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Thanks for the report! We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


I am in the process of checking over bug reports and following up on some bugs that haven’t received any activity in a while.
Is this issue still occurring or can you confirm that this bug has been resolved? We are having a hard time reproducing this issue.


I have still seen this issue occur in the last two weeks with text being sent into the default chat gui, I’ve seen it cut a few words off the end of text I’ve chatted, but it has become exceedingly rare compared to when I first made this topic


thanks for the info. When there is an update to this issue i will pass it on.

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This doesn’t just happen with system messages but regular chat messages as well (non bubble) sometimes but not all the time my messages get cut off

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I’ve seen this issue pick up in frequency again. It’s still quite rare, but there’s something about my 'finished with a time of: ’ message that seems to trigger it more often, always cutting off the number at the end. Again, the string being input into SetCore is being printed and so I can see that the time is not missing.