MessagingService not publishing message when used in combination with finding a table?

I am currentely making a system where a player is AFK in one place, and once they leave or the server closes their time afk is sent back to the original place where they will be rewarded. My main issue with this is when I use a loop to search for the table that represents the player, the :PublishAsync() event will not fire.

I have tried using the PublishAsync event before it and it fires fine, is this a studio feature? It’s hard for me to live test as I would need a server instance in the main game and a client in the AFK place.

I’ll give the code below (This is my first time messing w MessagingService, don’t tear into me too hard :laughing:)

-- Main Place
local rem = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("RequestTeleport")
local ts = game:GetService("TeleportService")
local ms = game:GetService("MessagingService")
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

local topic = "PremiumRewards"

ms:SubscribeAsync(topic, function(message)
	local playerName = message[1]
	local timeSpent = message[2]
	print("Player Name:", playerName)
	print("Time Spent:", timeSpent)
-- AFK Place
local ms = game:GetService("MessagingService")
local hs = game:GetService("HttpService")
local topic = "PremiumRewards"

local rewardsTable = {}

	local newTable = {Player = player, TimeSpent = 0}

	table.insert(rewardsTable, newTable)
	while task.wait(1) do
		if player then
			for i, tab in rewardsTable do
				if tab.Player == player then
					tab.TimeSpent += 1

	local tab

	for i, rewardTab in rewardsTable do
		if rewardTab.Player == player then
			tab = rewardTab
			ms:PublishAsync(topic, tab.Player.Name)
			print("PublishAsync Fired!")
	if tab then
		table.remove(rewardsTable, table.find(rewardsTable, tab))

Thanks in advance!

Nevermind, I fixed this! It turns out if you’re in studio and leave the game, the server will close before the request can finish sending.

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