Models Getting Wrongfully Deleted

I want a solution to why Roblox deleted my MainModule’s permission to be distrusted on the marketplace.

I made a nuclear bomb MainModule and each time I upload it it gets removed for ‘Misusing Roblox Systems’.

I don’t know what to do really.

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Also, I got 9 of these messages.

Read the Community Standards, they should have broken one of these rules.

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I’m sorry? Did you send this reply to the wrong person?

I’ll answer assuming this a ModuleScript

Most likely it got removed cause of its purpose. I guess it’s a system to make a nuclear bomb, or has something to do with nuclear bombs, right?

They simply don’t allow any kind of ‘criminal’ or ‘weapon-making’ assets to be uploaded. Others have uploaded ONLY a texture of a gun, and it was taken down. Just a texture, not a 3D model.

I guess you can’t do anything about it. Try appealing to Roblox explaining that your module isn’t and won’t be used for criminal activities. They might let you upload it.

Or just try changing the comments/variables in it. You most likely have comments or variables which includes the word ‘nuclear’ or just any kind of weapon-making stuff. Try changing these.

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