Module Script Help

So I made a module script to store types of materials


local Materials = {





return Materials

and I made a script to run it that picks a random material out the list


local config = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Modules.Materials)

local RandomMaterial = config.Materials[math.random(1, #config.Materials)]


comes out with “attempt to get length of a nil value”

What did I do wrong?

This is because the module returns a table that contains all the materials, yet you are trying to index that table with Materials. You should just use #config instead of #config.Materials and that should fix it.

I plan on having multiple tables under one module script so how would I reference the “Materials” table directly under that module script?

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You will have to have it return a table that contains all the tables you want to use.
Example (this would replace the last line of the module script):

return {
	["Materials"] = Materials,
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