Most efficient way to make a bleed system?

So I am looking to make a bleeding system when you touch a part, I want to the player to loose health every second, for 5 seconds. I want to use a module script for this, but how can I take a part as a parameter in my function? Is there anyway at all to do this? If not, what are some alternatives?

Here is my basic code, It’s fresh out of the code oven, I made it like 5 minutes ago, haven’t tested it. Feedback is appreciated!

local module = {}

function Bleed(hit, part)
	local hitT = hit.Parent:GetChildren()
	for i,v in ipairs(hitT) do
		if v:IsA("Humanoid") then
			while wait(1) do
				v.Health -= 5


return module

Yes I know that it will damage the player forever, I just want to be able to use this.


Here’s something I’ve come up with, not the best but it should work.

local Bleeder = {}

function Bleeder:Bleed(Hit, Length)
	local Character = Hit.Parent
	if not Character then return false end
	local Humanoid = Hit:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid')
	if not Humanoid then return false end
	local t = 0
	while t >= Length do
		Humanoid.Health -= 5
		t += wait(1)
	return true

return Bleeder
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Thank you, but how do I add that to a part, do I just do this:

local bleedsystem = require(game.ServerScriptService.BleedSytem)



Or is it something else?

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local BleedModule = {}

function BleedModule.Bleed(Hit)
	local Character = Hit.Parent
	if not Character then return false end
	local Humanoid = Hit:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid')
	if not Humanoid then return false end
	local t = 0
	while t >= 5 do
		Humanoid.Health -= 5
		t += wait(1)
	return true

function BleedModule.ListenForTouch(part)
    return part.Touched:Connect(BleedModule.Bleed)

return BleedModule
--Server Script
local BleedModule = require(BleedModulePath)
local connection = BleedModule.ListenForTouch(part)

You should also add a debounce so players cant bleed multiple times from the same part in the same time frame


Where do I put the stuff under the --Server Script part? I will add debounce also.

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It says that the module didn’t return exactly one value, and it doesn’t work, do you know why is that?

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The module is missing return BleedModule at the bottom, add that one line in and it should be working.


It just says Attempt to index nil with 'Touched' in the Bleed Module at line 18.

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Did you pass the part alongside the .ListenForTouch function?

module help

I don’t really understand what you mean, so here is that part of the code.

Inside of the server script, where you do BleedModule.ListenForTouch(part)

Attempt to index nil with touched means that the part was not passed to the function. Make sure you are passing in a valid part

Here is the script in the server script. It’s inside of a part:
module error


local module = require(game.ServerScriptService.BleedSystem2)


You can just do in the module script,

local BleedModule = {}

function BleedModule.Bleed(humanoid)

    local t = 0

    while tonumber(humanoid.Health) > 0 do
	    humanoid.Health -= 5
	    t += wait(1)
    return true

return BleedModule

And the server script,

local debounce = false
    if debounce == false then
	    debounce = true
	    local module = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.ModuleScript)

	    debounce = false
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It works, but how do I make the bleeding stop after 5 seconds? Also what is tonumber?

So you can change those lines in module script

while tonumber(humanoid.Health) > 0 do
    humanoid.Health -= 5
    t += wait(1)


while tonumber(humanoid.Health) > 0 and t < 5 do
	humanoid.Health -= 5
	t += wait(1)

Oh, it is just a keyword to convert strings to numbers. You don’t need to use it here because humanoid’s health is already a number.

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It does work, but whenever it stops, I get an error, whenever I restart it, I get more errors.

What is the error? Can I please see it?

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more errors a

The one on the top is when I restart it, the one on the bottom is when the script ends.

This is probably because of the debounce because it is boolean but I don’t know why the second one is occuring.

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