Mount animation bug

Hello, A month ago I made a mount with animations such a walk, jump, idle.
And got a problem like the animations won’t stop.
I am getting no errors.

So let me explain:
When I am equipping mount, then while walking unequipping it the animations won’t stop, they keep playing.

Source (server script):

unequipE.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, mount, char, hum)
	if char and char.Humanoid.Health >= 1 then
		local tracks = hum:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()
		local m = char:FindFirstChild("Mount")
		if m then
			equippped = false
			char.Sprint.Disabled = false
			char.Crouch.Disabled = false
			char.MMA.Disabled = false
			hum.WalkSpeed = 16
			hum.JumpPower = 50
			for _,v in pairs(tracks) do

Walk and idle animations are looped

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the animation are probably looped, you can manually disable them by doing Animation:Stop()

Yes, idle and walk animation is looped.

Check the topic, i just edited it.

I can’t stop them, I am not accesing to them.