is working wrong!

Well, basically, i want to fire a event when player press T and their == “WellPlacement” and its distance is within 7 studs.
It worked properly before (a bit buggy) but now it doesn’t work.

this is my local script:

local function onInputBegan(input, gameProcessed)
	if gameProcessed then return end

	if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard and input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.T then	
		if player:DistanceFromCharacter(mouse.Target.Position) > 0 and player:DistanceFromCharacter(mouse.Target.Position) <= 7 then
			if mouse.Target.Name == "WellPlacement"
				or mouse.Target.Name == "Union1" 
				or mouse.Target.Name == "Union2" 
				or mouse.Target.Name == "Union3" 
				or mouse.Target.Name == "Union4"
				or mouse.Target.Name == "TV_EnablerPart"
				or mouse.Target.Name == "VaultPart" 
				or mouse.Target.Name == "Lock"
				or mouse.Target.Name == "BedroomKeySlot"
				or mouse.Target.Name == "SinkWater" then
				local object = mouse.Target

			elseif mouse.Target.Name == "Handle" then
				local object = mouse.Target.Parent

I dont know what is happening, there is nothing called “Part” there. Any help would be appreciate.

if then statement is too many…
Maybe entering it to folder and find from folder would be nice replacement, and can you print full name?

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make sure there isn’t any invisible parts Infront of the camera or the part ur trying to click, if there is and u can turn off CanCollide then do so and turn off CanQuery as your mouse will then ignore that part or use mouse.TargetFilter

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well, the problem is not if statement, it just mouse.Target cannot detect the “WellPlacement”, its just detect a thing called “Part”. I will check later.

well, i used targetFilter on the character model and i checked again, there is an invisible part. thank for your help!