Moving image is not moving to the exact position

I have a script which moves an image, the problem is that it’s not moving to the exact position, here is the part where the script creates a tween:

local t = ts:Create(
     logo, --object being tweened -- holds information about our tween
           1, -- duration
           Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, --EasingStyle
           Enum.EasingDirection.Out, --EasingDirection
           0, --Repeat count
           false, -- if true, the tween reverses after completion
           0 -- delay time
           Position = -- moves to the right

The black block is the image, and the invisible block that im holding in the image is the position of logoend. The image is not going to that position.

How i fix that? Thanks for reading

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Also, here is how it looks when i playtest:

You don’t need to wrap it in the UDim2, because the position is already a UDim2. You can do:

     Position = logoend.Position;

Now it’s error printing: Unable to cast to Dictionary

@SansariGames - Again, it’s error printing: Unable to cast to Dictionary
@MrLegendaryDoge - 0,0

If you need the entire script, here i’ll leave it:

local ts = game:GetService("TweenService")
local logo = script.Parent.Logo
local text = script.Parent.Tittle
local BG = script.Parent.BG
local logoend = script.Parent.LogoEnd
local textend = script.Parent.TittleEnd

local t = ts:Create(
     logo, --object being tweened -- holds information about our tween
           1, -- duration
           Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, --EasingStyle
           Enum.EasingDirection.Out, --EasingDirection
           0, --Repeat count
           false, -- if true, the tween reverses after completion
           0 -- delay time
           Position =,logoend.Position.Y); -- moves to the right

local ta = ts:Create(
     logo, --object being tweened -- holds information about our tween
           1, -- duration
           Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, --EasingStyle
           Enum.EasingDirection.In, --EasingDirection
           0, --Repeat count
           false, -- if true, the tween reverses after completion
           0 -- delay time
           Position = 0.055, 0,0.331, 0 ; -- moves to the right

local t1 = ts:Create(
     text, --object being tweened -- holds information about our tween
           1, -- duration
           Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, --EasingStyle
           Enum.EasingDirection.Out, --EasingDirection
           0, --Repeat count
           false, -- if true, the tween reverses after completion
           0 -- delay time
           Position =,textend.Position.Y); -- moves to the right

local ta1 = ts:Create(
     text, --object being tweened -- holds information about our tween
           1, -- duration
           Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, --EasingStyle
           Enum.EasingDirection.In, --EasingDirection
           0, --Repeat count
           false, -- if true, the tween reverses after completion
           0 -- delay time
           Position = 0.64, 0,0.403, 0; -- moves to the right

local tweenInfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear)
local t2 = ts:Create(logo, tweenInfo, {ImageTransparency = 0})
local t21 = ts:Create(logo, tweenInfo, {ImageTransparency = 1})





Position = 0.055, 0,0.331, 0 );

Position = 0.64, 0,0.403, 0 );

This should do it.

Again the image is going to the corner, that’s AnchorPoint issue?

Remove all the position offsets from the GUI objects.

logo.AnchorPoint = logoend.AnchorPoint