Moving parts to other parts via cframe?

so basically im working on a tower defense game but i dont know how i would move a part to a different part without hard coding the coords

i cant find anything anywhere other than having to hard code specific directions. what i want is to move a part to a separate part

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Can you use an example to specify the problem?

Ok first. Are you trying to move them in there lookvector? Or make them move along the X,Y, or Z axis with Vector3? If I can know I can try to help

i already know how to move along the x,y,z axis but i dont know how i would move it to a specified part

There are a couple ways to do this.
1.) The tweenService, amazing and really easy to use.
2.) Use CFrame:Lerp()
3.) Use PartSpecified.Position

ok thank you! im going to try to use CFrame:Lerp()

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