Multiple questions on “Halos” and “Trails” system

Hello everyone!

I have several questions about a system I plan to make:

  1. where do I put the sample trails and halos that will be duplicated when equipping?
    I suggest ServerStorage.
  2. how would I store which halos and which trails are purchased?
    1. in the Datastore as dictionaries?
    2. isn`t that a lot of storage?
  3. what currency should I use?
    It is an obby. I could add a rebirth system and rebirth coins, but that would change the game a lot.

I know this is a big project for me, but I am sure I will finish it, no matter how difficult it will be. And if I need help, I can always ask you :slightly_smiling_face:



Tell me if you think the category is wrong for this topic.

If you need more information about the system I am planning to program, please tell me.

where do I put the sample tracks and halos that will be duplicated when equipping?
I suggest ServerStorage .

That’s a good choice, and I recommend putting them into a Folder in ServerStorage just in case you plan to add anything else to ServerStorage later.

how would I store which halos and which trails are purchased?

  1. in the Datastore as dictionaries?
  2. isn`t that a lot of storage?

Using dictionaries in your Datastore is perfectly fine. You shouldn’t have to worry about storage at all unless your dictionaries are obscenely large.

what currency should I use?
It is an obby. I could add a rebirth system and rebirth coins, but that would change the game a lot.

In my opinion, rebirthing (like in a simulator) is a tedious and unfun way to earn currency.
Some fun ways to allow players to gather currency in an obby could be:

  1. Earning an amount based on each stage’s clear time
  2. Earning an amount based on how few deaths it took to clear a stage
  3. Gathering the currency as it’s spread throughout the obby, with coins being dispersed across obstacles or hidden
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