Im trying to create a simple third person game with idle, walking/running, etc animations. but none of the animations are working
this is the animation
I have tried checking the code in case i ruined it, i have re published the game, i have made sure that all the animations and game it self are owned by the same person(me), i have started a new project all together, and i have republished the animations but it still just doesn’t work, im using the basic roblox built in script
local Character = script.Parent
local Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local pose = "Standing"
local userNoUpdateOnLoopSuccess, userNoUpdateOnLoopValue = pcall(function() return UserSettings():IsUserFeatureEnabled("UserNoUpdateOnLoop") end)
local userNoUpdateOnLoop = userNoUpdateOnLoopSuccess and userNoUpdateOnLoopValue
local userEmoteToRunThresholdChange do
local success, value = pcall(function()
return UserSettings():IsUserFeatureEnabled("UserEmoteToRunThresholdChange")
userEmoteToRunThresholdChange = success and value
local userPlayEmoteByIdAnimTrackReturn do
local success, value = pcall(function()
return UserSettings():IsUserFeatureEnabled("UserPlayEmoteByIdAnimTrackReturn2")
userPlayEmoteByIdAnimTrackReturn = success and value
local animateScriptEmoteHookFlagExists, animateScriptEmoteHookFlagEnabled = pcall(function()
return UserSettings():IsUserFeatureEnabled("UserAnimateScriptEmoteHook")
local FFlagAnimateScriptEmoteHook = animateScriptEmoteHookFlagExists and animateScriptEmoteHookFlagEnabled
local AnimationSpeedDampeningObject = script:FindFirstChild("ScaleDampeningPercent")
local HumanoidHipHeight = 2
local currentAnim = ""
local currentAnimInstance = nil
local currentAnimTrack = nil
local currentAnimKeyframeHandler = nil
local currentAnimSpeed = 1.0
local runAnimTrack = nil
local runAnimKeyframeHandler = nil
local PreloadedAnims = {}
local animTable = {}
local animNames = {
idle = {
{ id = "", weight = 10 },
{ id = "", weight = 9 }
Im not to smart with scripting so please try to keep the answers simple